Thursday, October 06, 2005

Vision for Culture Development of HK?

Recently, there are a lot of discussions about how the West Kowloon Area should be developed. Some leading political parties argued that the Government should involve more on setting vision or direction of the culture development in HK. However, what should be the right direction? and how it can be set? In my point of view, it is really a difficult issue. Unlike the successful story in France, the situation in HK is different. HK is a mix of East and West. We have no dominated definition of what the HK culture is. It can be Chinese opera. It can be drama. It can be a collection of beautiful pictures. It can even be a series of F words written by our Kowloon King. So how the Government can define a good vision to satisfy most of the people or even all. It is impossible. Therefore, a smart Government should better do nothing and leave those culture workers freely do their own with the infrastructure provided by the Government. Or the Government can give more support for the art program in universities. But what I can say is that any vision or clear plan defined by the Government will be dangerous.

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